Case Study: Usun AI Warehousing

AI for Warehouse Bots

This is one of the many Industry 4.0 projects that Viverie AI has delivered. Any Industry 4.0 solution heavily relies on AI to guide robots, move robots without collisions, and enable robots to respond to situations. Usun has been the industry leader in warehousing management systems. With the "brain" that Viverie AI built in the management system, the system has transformed into a warehousing automation solution.

The army of smart bots integrated with the warehousing management system brings efficiencies and flexibilities. For example, the smart bots work collaboratively to maximize pickups with fewer sweeps of aisles. They also take over repetitive tasks such as lifting and moving packages. Eliminating repetitious and dull tasks allows humans to focus on the works they are good at, such as tailored configurations and other higher-level duties.

The AI that empowers warehouse automation requires cutting-edge AI to make decisions in a fraction of a second based on the inputs from sensors and cameras. Viverie AI utilizes Vision-Based SLAM and other technologies of AGV to accomplish a solution that only requires easy configurations. Here is the video that shows you how to build an army of AI AGV with 3 simple steps: