Case Study: MiTac

AI for Construction Site Safety

MiTac International Corp. manufactures electronic infotainment systems and is also one of the leading brands in smart devices. Due to the high demand from Industry 4.0, MiTac expands the product lines to devices with AI capabilities. A system with 500+ cameras that can recognize particular objects and determine proper responses is the latest star integrated solution in MiTac's product roadmap. Viverie AI was brought into the team to develop the AI that works with MiTac's smart cameras as the total solution to construction site safety.

A good use case for the integrated system is auto-detecting and sending alerts when a construction worker is not wearing a helmet. Construction workers go through safety checks before entering the site, but there are no simple ways to keep track of each worker's safety gear once they enter the site. The first demo shows the solution can detect that a worker is not wearing the helmet. In the second demo, we add an additional layer of NLP which enables the system to describe the situation with continuous camera inputs. This enhancement empowers the system to send meaningful alerts that human understands.

MiTac solution provides a real-time, 24/7 safety guard for construction workers. Moreover, it can be deployed to other types of locations that need safety checks, such as factories and power plants. The AI vision deployed on smart cameras is available through an AI-as-a-service solution. NVR, DVR feed can be sent to the cloud and be analyzed in real-time. If you are interested in this cloud solution, contact us at